Put On Your Comfy Sweater and Grab Your Tea…
This blog is filled with nutrition education topics, ready for your enjoyment. Best consumed in your most comfy attire.
Physical vs. Emotional Hunger
There is a clear difference when it comes to eating because we are actually hungry vs. eating to soothe an emotion or feeling. Let’s break it down.
Microbiota and Mood
We know that stress can alter our gut microbiota in a negative way. A little stress can be good, it makes us more alert but chronic stress takes a toll on the body in a negative way.
Holy Basil and Stress
Stress is a word that means different things to different people. For some, it embodies a long workday with deadlines and bills to pay
Beautiful Inside & Out
This is all fine and dandy but what about our INTERNAL beauty? Our mental health and our nutritional health?
To Supplement, Or Not To Supplement
The truth is that there ARE some really great supplements out there. Not a lot, but some. So, where should you go to figure it out?