Boost Your Mood Naturally: Serotonin-Boosting Foods for Overwhelmed Moms

As a Registered Dietitian, recovering anxious perfectionist, and a mom of four, I understand firsthand how overwhelming life can be for busy moms. Juggling multiple responsibilities while trying to maintain our mental well-being can often leave us feeling depleted. That’s why I’m super excited to share with you a holistic way to potentially boost your […]
Mental Well-Being with Vitamin D3 and K2

Who, what, and why If you have ever wondered about the ideal levels for Vitamin D (25-Hydroxyvitamin D) or what you need for adequate absorption of Calcium then this blog post is for you. As women, we often hear that we need to consume adequate Calcium. I’m sure you have heard that we can get […]
How to change your thoughts about weight loss ideas

Clients, family, and friends are often asking me for weight loss ideas. In our society, there is such an emphasis on looking a certain way and the idea that if you follow someone, or eat the way they eat then you will automatically look the way they look. This is an unfortunate lie that most people have been sold.
Interesting Link Between Essential Fatty Acids and Mental Health

There are two essential fatty acids that come to mind when discussing the average American diet. You may have heard them called, “Omega-3s.” EPA and DHA (Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid).
Emotions and Holiday Eating

When I think back to family holidays or events, one thing stays with me. Anxiety. Anxious about who will say something to my kids, or who will potentially judge me for what I feed them?
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

What I mean is social anxiety…dun, dun, dun (cue the scary music)! I will fill you in on what I have found helpful and what science says works!
Going From Self-Deprecation to Self-Care

We know that it can be difficult to take time out of your routine for yourself but once you do you know you ALWAYS feel better.
Phosphatidylserine and Sleep

Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid. It is a building block for the formation of cell membranes throughout the body
Caffeine and Anxiety

Being anxious is a normal reaction to stress, but those with an anxiety disorder may experience excessive fear.
Physical vs. Emotional Hunger

There is a clear difference when it comes to eating because we are actually hungry vs. eating to soothe an emotion or feeling. Let’s break it down.